
Luca Lacche

Treviso, Veneto, Italy

Luca is a fine art photographer working in Treviso-Venice, Italy. He began shooting in the 1980s with 35mm film cameras. In the ’90s, his extensive traveling—mainly to the USA—further increased his desire to make photography a bigger part of his life. A few years ago he decided to “go pro” and began working for stock photo agencies.

After not feeling satisfied with shooting stock, Luca turned his more artistic eye to the fine art market, allowing him to be more free in his self-expression. He fell in love with the “imperfect” optics of Holga and Diana cameras, but was found himself moving toward hi-tech digital cameras. When he happened upon the Lensbaby, he found what he calls “home.” Even though he started with the Lensbaby 2.0, after a while he chose the Original Lensbaby; he is now experimenting with the new Lensbaby lenses, the Composer and the Muse with their set of interchangeable optics, still using his full-frame Canon d-SLRs, currently an 1Ds Mark III and a 5D Mark II.

Books by Luca Lacche